

Technical AV Solutions

The Technical AV specialist division of the Midwich Group; provides technical products, solutions, advice and training for the signage, display staging and Pro-AV market.

Offering a wide range of products, from IPTV to Digital Signage and Image processing systems, as well as comprehensive training, Our technical staff, are both knowledgeable and approachable and we encourage you to tap their expertise to get maximum benefit. Whether it’s a simple connection question or an accompanied site visit to give support and advice on a complex installation, they can help.

They work with top manufacturers from around the world, including Dexon, Atlona, BrightSign, AMX and Exterity to name just a few. Furthermore, superb training facilities including demo suites, fully-equipped training rooms and a fully functioning Command and Control demo centre, is available for training you, your teams and end users.

Whatever your needs, our technical specialist can prepare you with all the necessary tools and specialist knowledge to help you provide the complete solutions package to your customer.